

複数列をまとめて align-regexp する方法

以下の elisp で align-regexp-repeated コマンドを定義して、呼び出せば良い。

(defun align-regexp-repeated (start stop regexp)
  "Like align-regexp, but repeated for multiple columns. See"
  (interactive "r\nsAlign regexp: ")
  (let ((spacing 1)
        (old-buffer-size (buffer-size)))
    ;; If our align regexp is just spaces, then we don't need any
    ;; extra spacing.
    (when (string-match regexp " ")
      (setq spacing 0))
    (align-regexp start stop
                  ;; add space at beginning of regexp
                  (concat "\\([[:space:]]*\\)" regexp)
                  1 spacing t)
    ;; modify stop because align-regexp will add/remove characters
    (align-regexp start (+ stop (- (buffer-size) old-buffer-size))
                  ;; add space at end of regexp
                  (concat regexp "\\([[:space:]]*\\)")
                  1 spacing t)))